Google and China

In the past several weeks, The People's Army of Geeks has slash-dotted the heck out of recent news that Google began censoring searches on

Give it a break, folks! Google makes it easier for people to access information on the global scale. My prediction: Google's presence is one of the catalysts that will bring about a new kind of cultural revolution, one which will see the end of communism in China without bloodshed.

The voice of democracy cannot be silenced forever. And there will be democracy when the people of China (or Vietnam for that matter) want it so much that their government will have no choice but to give it to them.


Anonymous said...

Interesting but historically efforts to promote democracy and freedom have spanned China's history for thousands of years (ofcourse the rule of the emperors wasn't called Communism back then) with no avail. Generations upon generations of Chinese have come to accept and trust in their system of governance and now with the pace of economic boom of the East it may be stronger than ever before. Individually, I believe it is uprooted in every thing they do and influential on their core morals and values whether they know it or not. Yes, the government will have to accomodate to the changing times, but they've been smart enough to do it for hundreds of years.

Thanh Hai Tran said...

I fail to see the similarity between an emperial rule and a communist rule. Many Western countries have evolved from an epmerialism into a democracy. A handful of other countries, on the other hand, chose to evolve from emperialism to communism, which, in theory sounds like a utopia, but when put into practice, there's a little thing called "greed" that gets in the way.

Anonymous said...

I think the current governance of China takes on a more modern and practical approach to the concept of communism. There are more millionaires than ever before, more private ventures opening up and more support for the people to think and act independantly than ever before.... with the price that the government will have a strong grasp over and oversee operations as they seem fit. How different are the intentions of the Chinese government from that of a democratic governments like the UK that put a grapple hold on all public facilities and dictate prices and costs? They both want the best for the country and its people, only take on a different role of leadership.

Thanh Hai Tran said...

Uhh, UK government dictating prices and costs? Are you sure about that? Can you site some reference to back up your statement?

Agreed, that all forms of government want what's best for their country and people. But when one presumes that it knows what's best for its people without needing to ask its people, that's just plain arrogance, and borderline delusional.

And when arrogance is inherent within the governing power, it will stifle innovation and growth, and they will find themselves being obsolete in fairly short order...Unless they're willing to change and adapt. ;-)